Emergency Medical Procedures Class A Great Success
On May 25th, some 40 BGC members took a few hours out of their Memorial Day weekend to learn some new skills that could potentially save a life. The class was put together by Board members Tami Hahn and Mack Smith working in conjunction with Brunswick County Emergency Medical Services. Participants were taught Adult CPR, infant CPR and choking, use of Automated External Defibrillators, use of the club trauma kits, and how to “Stop the Bleed” for trauma and gunshot wounds.
Brunswick EMS instructors Amy and Lisa were terrific and came with all kinds of gear to demo everything…our members did the club proud with great questions and we had them literally dancing in the aisles as they did CPR to the tune of the Bee Gees Stayin Alive. Everyone had a great time and it was nice to know if anything happens around the club, there are now 40 of our fellow members who know how to step up and give emergency care until EMS arrives.