Dick Brame honored at his retirement from the BGC Board of Directors
The February 2024 Board of Director’s meeting started off with a loud, proud, and very heartfelt tribute to one of our longest serving Board of Directors members, Dick Brame. For those of you who may be newer members of the Club, Dick has served on the BGC BOD longer than anyone in club history. He stepped up to volunteer his considerable organization and administrative skills way back in 2005 when the idea of a governing Board was first proposed. Since that time, he has served countless hours helping to run this club, authoring the first set of Corporate Bylaws and Resolutions, keeping our records in order as Secretary, and mentoring multiple other Board members as they came and went. I was one of those members. In the 12 years I have served with Dick, he has been a guide, role model and friend. I could not have asked for anyone better to teach me the ropes.
Dick brought a great deal of experience to his work here at Buccaneer, having served as the Atlantic States Fisheries Director of the Coastal Conservation Association and member of the MAFAC Recreational Fishing Working Group, the Izaak Walton League, North Carolina Wildlife Federation, Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, and Pennsylvania Wildlife Federation.
Dick has used his knowledge of corporate dynamics to be a quiet voice of reason in the midst of the many changes Buccaneer has seen in the last two decades. He has been a steadfast guide and Parliamentarian and help keep us on the straight and narrow on many occasions as the club dealt with difficult administrative decisions and growing pains over the years.
In addition to his service as a Board member, Dick took a major leadership role in our Clay sports disciplines. An avid hunter, fisherman and clays shooter, Dick was responsible for proposing and overseeing the construction of the 5 Stand Pavilion. He has done an exemplary job leading the 5 Stand discipline as a Match Director and shotgun safety official, and mentored countless new shooters, both young and old, over the years. Jennings Rose, member David Rose’s son, was one of the many friends who showed up to honor Dick at our meeting. Jennings spoke of how Mr. Brame first taught him as a child, and how Dick’s guidance and enthusiasm for the sport led him to a lifetime of involvement in the shooting sports and a career as a professional guide, and that he is now paying Dick’s generosity forward by passing those lessons on to the next generation every chance he gets.
In recognition of all he has done for this Club, a multitude of his friends here took up a collection and we presented him with a very nice gift check and plaque that we hope he will enjoy, and the Board also passed a Corporate Resolution that read as follows:
Whereas, Dick Brame has dedicated 2 decades of outstanding service and leadership as a Board of Directors member at Buccaneer Gun Club, and Whereas, Dick was a driving force behind the development of our 5 Stand Pavilion and has served as an exemplary discipline leader, match official and mentor to shotgun shooters at our club, Therefore, be it Resolved, that the Board of Directors of Buccaneer Gun Club do hereby wish to recognize Dick’s selfless service by officially naming and dedicating the 5 Stand Pavilion in his honor. (The motion carried unanimously).
We could never list all the ways Dick has helped build Buccaneer into the amazing place it is today, but if there’s one thing we can say, it’s that he is the very personification of our club motto, “Leave the Club in better condition than you found it”.
It has been an honor to serve with you Dick. Respectfully, Tami Hahn