Thank you to so many of you who are paying your renewal invoices so promptly. In less than a week, nearly half the club has already gotten them taken care of. PLEASE BE SURE YOU GET THESE PAID BY NOVEMBER 30 AT 6 PM AS THERE IS NO LONGER A GRACE PERIOD.
As most of you know, verification of your NRA membership is no longer required for our annual renewals, however, every 3 years we DO still need you to re-sign your member Hold Harmless liability release form. 2023 is one of those action years, so ALL MEMBERS WILL NEED TO GO ON THE WEBSITE UNDER THE MEMBERS ONLY AREA AND RE-SIGN THEIR HOLD HARMLESS FORM BY NOV. 30 TO COMPLETE YOUR MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL.
Many of you have already gone on the website and taken care of this, but for those who have not, please follow the instructions below to get your Hold Harmless contract signed to complete your 2023 membership renewal requirements before NOV. 30. THANK YOU!!
First, go onto your personal home page on the members only area of our BGC website at:www.buccaneergunclub.org (If you have trouble getting on the website, you can re-set your password yourself on the home page of the site. If you still can’t get in, please email Tami Hahn at tami.ebbets.hahn@gmail.com for help).
STEP 1: scroll down to the very bottom of the Member’s personal page (the one with your name on top in the green background) to where it says YOUR ACCOUNT, and click on the red words MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL at the bottom.
STEPS 2, 3: scroll through and read the Hold Harmless agreement in the box at the bottom, then CLICK THE LITTLE BOX UNDER IT TO PUT A CHECK MARK IN IT VERIFYING YOU HAVE READ IT AND AGREE TO IT. Once the check mark appears in the box, click the orange button that says NEXT.
STEP 4,5: Enter your phone number and then Click on the orange button that says SUBMIT.
That’s it! Thanks so much!