FEES & DUES: All applicants will be required to undergo a background check prior to final acceptance for membership and a small processing fee for the check may be required. If your membership is accepted, you will be required to pay the following one week prior to your orientation day via an e-mail invoice link: Initiation Fee: $1000.00, Annual Dues: $400.00 = Total $1400.00. Members are required to participate in two (2) club workdays per year or pay $80/missed workday.
Upon submitting this signed application to the Buccaneer Gun Club, I hereby give my permission to the executive and membership committees to check the references and the validity of any and all information listed which may include a complete criminal background check. I fully understand that a person convicted of a felonious crime is generally prohibited from purchasing and/or possessing a firearm and further understand that Buccaneer Gun Club does not advocate or allow any illegal use of firearms on club property. I understand and certify that I am a citizen of good repute and am not a member of any organization or other group with intent and purpose to overthrow the government of the United States. I fully understand that I may be refused membership for any reason. I also fully understand that the Buccaneer Gun Club, Inc., Its members, Executive and Membership committees are under no obligation to inform me of the reason for rejection of this application.
You are required to visit the BGC club at least once prior to joining as the guest of a current BGC member who has agreed to act as your host and sponsor for membership. That member will sign a statement saying they are recommending you for membership and will act as your guide during the application process and will invite you to the club as a guest prior to joining.